ANN dual-fluid PV/T data and code in R programming - Architecture of the Artificial Neural Network

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Hasila Jarimi and Ali H.A Al-Waeli and Tajul Rosli Razak and Mohd Nazari Abu Bakar and Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah and Adnan Ibrahim and Kamaruzzaman Sopian (2021) ANN dual-fluid PV/T data and code in R programming - Architecture of the Artificial Neural Network. [Dataset]


This dataset provides the artificial neural network architecture for a dual-fluid photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) collector which was experimentally tested in the outdoor environment of Malaysia. The system was set up and tested in three modes, which are (i) air mode, (ii) water mode and (iii) simultaneous mode. For modes (i), (ii) and (iii) air flows through the cooling channels, water flows through the cooling channels and both air and water flow together.

To create this dataset, the following steps were carried out:

1. Select input variables: 5 data inputs were selected, which are Ambient temperature, wind speed, solar irradiance, inlet air temperature and inlet water temperature.
2. Select Algorithm: for training, the Backpropagation neural network (BPNN) was used.
3. Select output variables: 6 data output were selected, which are PV surface temperature, PV temperature, temperature of the back plate, the temperature of the outlet air and outlet water, in addition to the electrical efficiency.

Step 1: Import the data
Step 2: Normalize the data
Step 3: Split the dataset into training and testing data
Step 4: Create the NN model in R studio.

The package 'Neuralnet' in the R programming language was used. The coding in R studio is provided in the attached file.


Item Type: Dataset
Creators: Hasila Jarimi and Ali H.A Al-Waeli and Tajul Rosli Razak and Mohd Nazari Abu Bakar and Ahmad Fazlizan Abdullah and Adnan Ibrahim and Kamaruzzaman Sopian
Additional Information: 1. Select input variables. 2. Select Algorithm. 3. Select output variables. Step 1: Import the data Step 2: Normalize the data Step 3: Split the dataset into training and testing data Step 4: Create the NN model in R studio. The coding in R studio is provided in the attached file.
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Photovoltaic Thermal Hybrid Solar Collector, Photovoltaic Modules
Subjects: Science and Technology > Computing, Informatics and Mathematics
Research Fields: Energy
Divisions: Computing, Informatics and Mathematics
Date: 8 March 2021
Date Deposited: 11 Aug 2023 00:23
Identification Number (DOI): 10.17632/gxxszgy85t.1


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